Spiritual Research Network
The ministry of Spiritual Research Network exists in order to:
Glorify, honour and serve the Lord Jesus Christ by proclaiming His Gospel of man’s redemption.
Provide evangelistic training and resources with an emphasis on the Bible as the verbal and plenary inspired, inerrant Word of God.
Expose any and all doctrines that oppose or nullify the Gospel of grace as found in Scripture.
Contend earnestly for the faith against those who suppress, and/or reject doctrinal truth for the sake of unbiblical ecumenical unity.
Encourage and support former members of other belief systems.
About Spiritual Research Network (SRN)
Spiritual Research Network (SRN) is an independent Christian outreach that is committed first and foremost to the Lord Jesus Christ and the integrity of God's Word - The Holy Bible.
SRN is currently operating in the State of California.
SRN is not led, guided or directed by any other organization, church, or ministry.
From its inception as a tiny missions outreach in Edinburgh, Scotland in 2004, SRN was started as a platform for outreach so that others may come to a deeper understanding of the love, grace and truth as it is in the biblical Gospel of Jesus Christ.
In light of the current downgrade in the church and amongst many believers, we will not forget the blood and testimony of Christian martyrs through the centuries...nor will we cease to preach a biblical Gospel.
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