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IF you would like to give towards our costs
Many visitors ask how they can help financially as we are totally self financing* and you can read more further down the page if you wish. Please note, any gifts go straight into Bethel Communications, our 'parent' ministry which has oversight and is a not for profit company. Our accounts are always open for inspection and you can gift by card or PayPal or send an email for our bank details. Thank you again!



*That means we are tent makers - we have never gained financially from all our years of Christian ministry and pay for everything ourselves, taking no remuneration personally from any Christian work we produce. We just wanted to put that on the record as apparently we are very different to other ministries in this area.

Times are getting tougher and we're getting older - nevertheless, The Lord is faithful and we do not ask anybody else to pay for a ministry God called us to, but He Himself often quickens people to do so - just as a new bill comes in or there is a need elsewhere. He is truly amazing and very much Jehovah Jireh - The Lord Who provides.

However, it is purely a ministry of service and enabling so if you wish to make an offering towards admin, security and other costs - please click the Donate button - and accept our very grateful thanks in advance - but only as led by The Lord, thank you!


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©2024 The SheepFold Church.

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